La UE añade ataque a China

EU ADD attack on ChinaThe EU are investigating an anti-dumping complaint made by the ‘Agglomerated Stone Association of Europe’From the 27th of August 2013 a provisional ADD (Anti Dumping Duty) could be imposed by the EC on Agglomerated stone with as little as 24 hours notice.It may take longer for the Commission to formalise a decision but the investigation will have to be concluded one way or the other by the end of September 2014.If provisional ADD comes into force, these will be held on deposit until the final decision is made whether or not to make the ADD definitive.A PDF document is available with more information. Please click the below link to download a copy:-ADD PDF document(The links on this page are to third party site's of which Neptune Shipping Agency has no involvement in regarding the contents and management.)


ADD - La UE cede ante China


FMC aprueba alianza P3